
Two Minutes

I got a new toothbrush.  A sonicare electric toothbrush.  The thing works really well, but part of its trick is that it forces you to brush for a full 2 minutes.  As soon as you turn the brush on, it vibrates for exactly 2 minutes before it turns itself off.

This is a great feature, but it annoys me!  Why?  Because those 2 minutes seem like an eternity.  Because those combine to be a total of 4 minutes of my day (2 minutes in the morning and 2 in the evening) when I can't do anything else besides brush my teeth.  It seems like such a waste of time.  I can't chew on the brush and make the bed, or separate the laundry, or clean up the counter.  I have to actually hold on to the brush and I have to do it for a full 2 minutes.

This should not annoy me.  I need to change my attitude.  Rather than cramming so much into my day, I need more minutes where I can just do one thing, and think.  Pray.  Be.  I need to embrace the time I have nursing and sometimes just be quiet.  Soak in the moment.  Recharge.  I do not have to be multitasking every minute of the day. 

See?  These are the lessons I learn when I take 2 minutes to do nothing but brush my teeth.  What else could I learn if I just slowed down?

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