
Little Mover

He’s still very active.  At my last check up, it took 2 nurses at least 5 minutes to get a heartbeat.  When the nurse had trouble locating a heartbeat at my 12-week appointment, I freaked out, assuming the worst.  But this time, I just laughed.  We all knew he had a heartbeat—that was not a question.  They couldn’t get a good reading of it because he kept kicking away the Doppler microphone they were using to listen in.  Every time the pitch of the Doppler would rise for a second as it registered a kick or punch.  The nurses commented what an active little boy he was.  I said that they didn’t have to tell me!  And as annoying as it was for them to find that heartbeat or 5 minutes, they were getting a glimpse into my life for the next 18 years!  He’d better be born with a great big Starbucks card tied around his wrist because I’m going to need extra caffeine to keep up with him!

Now I feel him moving around all the time.  I feel him kicking and hiccupping.  When Bella sits on my stomach, he kicks at her.  The first time she felt him, she was obviously startled and sat up and barked.  Now, it’s as if she just knows and she can sleep right through it.  We laugh seeing her head bob up and down with each little jab.  They’ve already bonded!  When I feel him now, I can picture his little face and his little hands and feet.  And I just smile, knowing he’s close and safe, and anticipating the years of joy ahead.  I imagine his energy will be draining and invigorating at the same time.
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