
Little People with Big Personalities

Will has some new friends, Lizzie and Micah.  When we had all the kids together last week for a play date, I was struck by how similar...and how different these young children are already.

They are so similar in their development--each gaining neck strength and verbal coos and gurgles.  They are all starting to show signs of being able to roll over.  They are all just mesmerized by the world around them and can look around contentedly for a long time...until they scream because they want to be fed!

But what is interesting is that they are also each so different!  Their little personalities are starting to reveal themselves.  Micah was just content to be left alone for a while.  He smiled a lot but didn't talk much.  He would allow any one of us moms to hold him or replace his pacifier.  He is laid back and interested in observing the world around him.  Lizzie is a people person.  She wanted to be with someone all the time.  She is much more serious, almost skeptical.  She is also quite particular about things.  She knows what she wants!  

I didn't really have a sense of Will's personality until I was able to contrast him with other babies his age.  He smiled and talked more than the others.  He is definitely adjusted to his routine and did best when he stuck to it.  He was content to look around until he got hungry or tired.  He also sat right next to Lizzie and grabbed her hand!  I think he's social...and a ladies man!  What we have to look forward to....

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