
Nine Months

The nine months of pregnancy seemed to drag on forever...and yet nine months of motherhood have gone by in a flash.  At the nine month mark, I cannot believe how much Will is doing.  He is reaching for things, and handing them to me.  He is curious about everything.  He just wants to touch, taste, chew, bang on, and pull on anything within reach.  He's learning to use his voice.  He will play Peek-a-Boo.  When a blanket is covering his head (or mine), he will pull it off and smile when I say, "peek-a-boo!".

Will is more squirmy.  He moves around on the floor like a roly poly.  Even though he's not crawling really, he's scooting around on the floor and sort of army crawling backward, until he runs into the couch or the ottoman.  He has rhythm!  He jumps and moves in time with music.  He can stand up while holding onto the side of the ottoman or the couch...or holding onto Alex's or my hands.  He loves to be standing!  He is also very ticklish.  Blowing in his ear or running a toy car up his back elicit screams of laughter.

His two top teeth are in now.  He has really handled the teething like a trooper.  It looks so painful, but he seems to rarely be bothered.  He has started eating table food and Puffs now that he can use that pincer grasp and pick up little objects to feed himself.  He loves Puffs (now our saving grace at the nursery!). 

We're starting to teach him "no"--certain things cannot be touched or tasted, and certain things hurt (like grabbing Bella's--or our--hair). 

He started to reach for me, which melts my heart every time.  Someone else can be holding him and he will squirm and reach for me when he sees me.  I love knowing that he knows me and loves me!  He will, though, let all of his grandparents hold him with glee--no hint of stranger anxiety there.  That also warms my hears, knowing that he knows and loves his grandparents! 

When people meet Will for the first time or when they haven't seen him in a while, they comment on how serious he is.  It's funny because when he is out of his environment or around new people, he is very serious.  He isn't sure of what's going on and he wants to check everything out.  But once he warms up, he is a lot of fun.  He smiles and talks and sings and giggles.  And once he gets to know you, he will hug and cuddle you and take your breath away.  I get to experience it every day.

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