
The Dinner Dilemma

One of the things that is really important to me and Alex is making healthy, homemade meals through the week.  This is important for financial and health reasons...and it ended up being an important factor in our decision for me to stay home.

When I was working, though, getting dinner on the table at night was even more difficult than it is now!  I dreaded that time of the week when I asked, "So...what do you want for dinner this week?"  I hated trying to come up with ideas out of thin air.  I hated the time I was spending on just planning to get to the store.  And if I didn't plan well, I ended up going to the grocery store several times in one week.

Not acceptable.

I finally settled on a system that my mom suggested: I started to map out game plans for 4 weeks of meals (now I have six).  I went with recipes I knew were fast, healthy...and recipes that both Alex and I really liked.  With our picky-eater syndrome, this meant no cheese, no cream sauces, no vegetarian meals, and no red meat.  It took a little while, but I came up with menus and now I just rotate them around each week.  I only wrote out 5 per week, leaving one day for going out somewhere, and one day for making something new or different or special (special in my book was anything that required a special trip to the store!).  Done.  No thinking, planning, guessing.  One trip to the store every week and that is it.

I'm not completely set on this schedule or anything.  When I get a new idea, I certainly try it out and modify a menu.  Obviously things come up that change our schedule.  I don't even stick to it each week.  The point is that for me, a weekly meal planner saves time, money, and stress.  On those weeks when I'm not feeling inspired, when dinners seem like a chore, at least I can pull out my meal planner and I know I can make it happen.

I'll share my menus...but this is just an idea.  Everyone has to find a system that fits with their own personality, family preferences, schedule, etc.  It's tough, but it's worth it!  Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. We do the same thing! I have even gone more simple by shopping online. We have a local market that does free delivery every other week, every 4th order, and with referrals, so I have never paid for delivery! I have weekly menus and corresponding shopping lists saved in the site, so shopping takes 3 clicks! And I find we spend way less when I don't take the time to go in the store. When I go shopping without the kids (the only way I can successfully go right now) I take it as "me" time and wander the store slowly, which is dangerous for the wallet!! :) the other benefit to the weekly menu plan is that when family comes to visit or help out, or if you ever need to be away for any reason, someone can step in and know exactly what to feed your family. So many good things come from organization! :) love it!


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