

Recently I read an article posted on the New York Post website entitled “Smokin’ Pot Mamas!”  The article exposes an underground movement of mothers who smoke marijuana in order to deal with the pressures of parenting.  Hmm.  Now I know I’m not yet a mom and I can’t imagine how stressful the job of full-time mom will be—and I’m certainly not kidding myself and thinking I’ll be sitting around watching soap operas all day.  BUT, pot?  Really?

First of all, let’s just remind ourselves that pot is still illegal in this country.  Legalizing marijuana a whole other debate which I will not engage in here, but the fact is that mothers who smoke pot are breaking the law.  This sets a horrible example for their kids.  And let’s face it: children are much more likely to imitate what they see their parents and role models DO rather than to obey what they SAY.
The article also points out the similarities and differences between using pot and using alcohol to unwind.  The mom interviewed in the article claims that smoking pot is safer than drinking because drinking can bring out aggressive behavior and can have long-term effects.  This may be true of heavy drinking—I agree that an alcoholic mother is not preferable to a pot-smoking one.  But what about heavy marijuana use?  Mothers who smoke heavily lose the awareness necessary to respond appropriately to their children’s needs and can compromise their safety, even after they are asleep for the night.  So abusing alcohol or pot leads to the same outcome: Parents who are unable to properly care for their children.  Now, the mother interviewed may be considering just light use—just enough to take the edge off.  If we compare light pot use to light alcohol use, pot still doesn’t make sense.  Marijuana smoke can fill the house and affect children where one glass of wine can have the same relaxing effect for the mom with no side effects on the kids.

No matter how stressful parenting gets, it’s up to the parent to control her own behavior and attitude and to manage in an adult way.  I have to believe that there are better, safer, ways of dealing with parenting stress.  Instead of turning to pot (or alcohol), I hope I take a walk or a bath.  On tough days, I hope I get a sitter or wait for Alex to get home and treat myself to a manicure or a shopping trip.  I want to join a play group or a mom’s club to give myself relationships with other mothers who can encourage and support me.  And I want to turn to God for strength and perspective.  I don’t want to cloud my mind and miss these precious days with small children.  Even though there will be days when it doesn’t seem true, I believe everyone who says that kids grow up too fast!

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