

I've been struck by the stories on the news about the people in Africa affected by the recent famine.  One woman walked with her children for a month in order to get to a refugee camp.  One woman walked with her 12-year-old son to a refugee camp, but he died along the way.  She left him behind and continued to the camp alone.  The images of lethargic little babies and swollen toddler bellies are sobering...and extremely sad.

I can't imagine how it must feel to be a mother who knows she will not be able to feed her own child.  I can't imagine how it must feel to watch your own child suffering...and know that there is nothing you can do for her.  You're starving yourself.  Concern for my own baby's nutrition has never even crossed my mind.  I completely take for granted that I have easy access to high-quality food.  Alex and I eat well every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: clean water, fresh produce, lean protein, dairy products, and if we're ever hungry between meals, we can access a well-stocked pantry of snacks and staples.  Our son will likewise never lack food or water.  Even our dog has never missed a meal!

I need to change my perspective.  I should be grateful every time I take that obligatory trip to the grocery store.  I should thank God that, by His grace, I know I will be able to provide for my child without a second thought.  And I wish I could do more to help moms who can't.

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