
Who Comes First?

I have already felt that desire that I have witnessed in mothers personally and in stories across cultures and through time: the desire to put her baby's needs above her own.  I catch myself not caring what or when I eat, as long as Will gets to breastfeed when he first starts to show signs of being hungry.  I will sacrifice my own sleep so that I can make sure Will is asleep and comfortable. 

But when I reach for a granola bar instead of taking the time to make a nutritious lunch for myself, I am not being a hero--I'm actually hurting my son by depriving my body of the nutrients it needs to produce high-quality milk.  When I don't sleep enough, I'm grumpy and impatient with him and Alex at the end of the day.  So even though it seems counter-intuitive, in order to be a good mom, I have to make sure I am taking care of myself.

1 comment:

  1. I need sleep the most! I have found though I developed a love for cooking watching my daughters love to eat. Being a mom is an amazing journey. Enjoy and YES, give both your men the best of you. Love you!


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