Despite all the reading I did to prepare for this, there still have been some surprises.
Like how much laundry there really is to do. It is a mathematical conundrum how one little person produces more dirty clothes, burp cloths, sheets, blankets, towels and changing pad covers than any adult!
And I can't believe how many times during the day I encounter liquid somewhere on my person and have no idea how it got there or even what it is. I'm leaking, he's leaking, I'm eating and drinking on the run (usually standing up)...and then there's the dog. This, however, is partly the cause of the aforementioned laundry!
I have been shocked at how little time I have to myself during the day. I thought I would be bored out of my mind the first few months, but that couldn't be farther from the truth! I'm running around non-stop...but at the end of the day, I have no idea what I actually accomplished. Another conundrum. "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is great advice in theory, but if you do that, when do you get anything done?
On that note, I'm going to take a nap.
Ah yes..... But you know what, in a couple months and then again in a couple years, those first few months will be a pleasant memory. You will forget the crazy and just remember the cute and cozy, and want to try and do it again! The laundry will never lessen, but the leaking will :) The spit up will change to grubby fingers, but when your back is all dirty from a day of dirty hugs, it will just make you smile, not frustrated. It's a joyful mess to be in!