First, you need all the nitty-gritty practical healthcare stuff...the lotions, the diapers, the wipes. See my post on Preparation. Then, you need a copy of Baby Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields. This is a great resource that outlines pros and cons of different name brands for nearly every piece of baby equipment you can imagine!
Additional things you'll NEED:
- Carseat
- Stroller (preferably one that holds the newborn carseat)
- Crib (make sure sides are not moveable)
- Crib mattress
- 2 crib sheets
- Changing pad of some type
- 2 changing pad covers
- Baby hairbrush
- Baby Tylenol
- Baby nail clippers
- Thermometer
- Swing/Bouncy seat--somewhere to set baby down to sleep or play
- Swaddle blankets (at least 2-3)
- 4-5 newborn size sleep-and-play outifts (try to get ones with mitten cuffs!)
- 3 newborn-size long-sleeve onesies or t-shirts
- 4 3-month-size sleep-and-play outfits
- 8-10 3-month-size outfits
- 3-6 3-month-size long-sleeve onesies
- 6 pairs of socks--I like GAP socks and Gymboree socks the best
- Diaper bag
- 5-7 bottles, even if you're breastfeeding
- Formula (nice to have an emergency stash even if you're breastfeeding)
- Distilled water for formula
- Teethers
- 12 Burp cloths
- 6 bibs
- Baby hooded towel and 3 washcloths
- Nursing pads, nursing bra
- Pacifiers, hat, ball syringe you'll get at the hospital!
Stuff you'll probably want:
- Small sleep sack and/or SwaddleMe
- Bassinet
- Rocking chair for baby's room
- Light-blocking window shades
- CD player or sound machine
- Diaper pail
- Mobile for crib
- Crib skirt
- Nursery decorations
- Baby monitor
- Dimmer switch on the light in baby's room
- Humidifier
- Baby medicine dispensing pacifier
- Baby bathtub
- Pack-N-Play
- Swing AND Bouncy seat (different babies like one or the other better...or like my baby, they have preferences on different days)
- Play gym with a few toys
- Boardbooks
- Variety of pacifier brands to see what works for your baby
- pacifier wipes
- A few additional outfits
- Dreft laundry detergent or some other dye-free and perfume-free brand
- Oxiclean Baby and Oxiclean Baby spray stain remover
- Laundry basket
- Breast pump (if you're breastfeeding)
- Breastmilk storage bags
- nursing wrap
- baby carrier (Baby Bjorn, Ergo, Moby wrap)
- Bumbo seat
- Camera/video camera
- Carseat cover for cold weather
- Additional strollers (I was glad I had a stroller frame to fit the baby carrier in addition to the travel system stroller for walks)
- Boppy pillow
- File for receipts and manuals for baby equipment
- Teething gel
- Breathable crib bumper
- I had a bouncy seat on each level of my house so I had a place to put Will when I was showering upstairs, or working out in the basement.
- A jogging stroller
- Video monitor
- Boogie Wipes
- Itzbeen timer
- Play try for Bumbo seat
- A second play gym to keep in the car--easy entertainment when you visit a non-kid-inhabited space
- Bottle Warmer
- Too many clothes--you'll be doing a lot of laundry anyway!
- A traditional crib set (bumper, quilt, etc.)
- Mittens (they never stay on anyway)
- Bumbo seat cover
- Dreft--any perfume-free, dye-free detergent will work
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