

As I was trimming Will's nails two days ago, I accidentally cut into his finger a little bit.  At first it didn't even bleed, and Will hardly seemed to notice.  But I had to do everything I could not to freak out.  When that little thumb started to bleed, I first thought, "Do I need to take him to the Emergency Room?" and then realized that this was a teeny cut and I only had to recall everything I knew about first aid.  Rule #1: Stay calm.  I knew I would upset him if I was upset.  I willed myself to do this.  Rule #2: Wash wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding.  I took Will to the sink, washed off the finger, and wrapped it in a paper towel.  This seemed to do the trick.  But it kept bleeding!  I applied and band-aid and it bled through it.  Finally (after what seemed like a lot longer than a few minutes), it stopped bleeding and I knew he would be okay.

I felt so horrible through this!  I couldn't believe that I had done something to hurt my son.  I know he will experience pain in life, but at my own hand?  Poor kid.  This did help me grasp the reality that there will be times in life when Will gets hurt and sick--I just pray that it is never anything serious.  But I will have to deal with this.  It is part of raising a boy!  Also, I was reminded that parents will make mistakes.  I know my parents did, and I know I will.  I may have the best of intentions, but sometimes, things just happen beyond my control and outside of my desires.  Thank God for his grace and redemption.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I remember doing that while clipping nails as well. It wouldn't stop bleeding! I ended up just stuffing a baby sock with paper towels and putting over her hand, but I was panicky as well. It actually crossed my mind that she might bleed to death. How silly!


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