At three months my little boy is learning how to interact with the world! He looks around while he should be nursing. He smiles when he sees me or Alex; he watches Bella intently and laughs when she wrestles a toy or lets out a big dog sneeze. Oh yes, I failed to mention that he's laughing! It's adorable. With greater awareness also comes awareness of when he's alone. He will often fuss when he can't see me directly and he' starting to fight going to sleep because he doesn't want to he left out of the party! (and let me tell you--our house on Friday night is some rockin' party!)
He's developing his motor skills and his voice. He talks and coos and squeals and gurgles and laughs. He hits his toys and now grabs them...and grabs my hair and my jewelry! He's strong. He holds his head up on his own. He's able to arch his back, fly like "superman" on his stomach on the floor, and push himself up to a standing position when I'm holding him. His eyes are already definitively brown.
He still loves music...from a toy or a CD or just a simple song sung by his mama. He still hates tummy time but we're working on it. He still holds his hands in a tight fist and moves his arms like he's punching the air. He still kicks often flailing his limbs as I know he did even before he was born. Trust me!
He is a joy to watch and be with. It just keeps getting better and better! I am blessed beyond measure.
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