
Ten Months

This has been another month of rapid growth and development.  One month ago, he was just learning to scoot around...this week he started actually crawling.  I can no longer leave him alone to play and expect him to sit nicely on a blanket in the middle of the family room.  Oh no.  Now that he can move, he'd much rather play on Bella's bed or with the drawers on the end table, or stand up holding on to the ottoman.  Time to childproof!  Playing is also different because he's into banging on things and throwing things.  I think he likes knowing that he can make a noise or cause a reaction.

I'm noticing that he is starting to wean himself, too.  He's much more interested in solid foods...any solid foods...than in nursing.  He still nurses quickly 4-5 times a day, but he's eating solids like a champ.  He will gladly eat purees, but given the choice, he prefers feeding himself.  One of his favorite foods seems to be broccoli.  He can't get enough.  He also likes pears...and of course the Puffs!

Will is much more communicative.  He can point to things that he wants.  With just a little grunt I can tell what he is asking for.  He is waving, too.  He knows to wave when I say "hi" or "bye-bye."  Of course he doesn't always wave when I ask him to...and he will sometimes wave without prompting just to get our attention.  He is also learning to "high-five" and getting pretty good at it!

Will took his first plane ride this month!  Corrie and I took him to Virginia for my cousin Brigid's wedding.  He did great.  I loved being able to introduce him to my Howland family!  What a special, memorable weekend.

Since it's been so hot, I've been taking Will to the pool and the splash park near our house.  He loves it.  I think he will be a water baby.  He loves splashing in the water.  He loves the baby pool, too.  He is learning how to fill up and dump out the little stacking cups I bought for him.  He is so content playing with something so simple again and again.  His favorite toys are a set of plastic measuring cups and funnels.  It doesn't take much to keep him happy!

There is nothing better than Will seeing me and reaching for me, or seeing Alex and leaning out of my arms to give him a hug.  He is a wonder.

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