
Best Pregnancy Tips I Received

I keep saying that parenting is a lot like planning a wedding.  Everyone you talk to has an opinion to share and no one is afraid to voice their disagreement or their dislike.  Ultimately, though, you have to remember that this is your wedding day (or your child).  They had their chance to make their decisions and do it their way--this time is all about you!

So, I don't want to tell other moms what to do, but I will share things that I have learned and you can take it or leave it!

Here are some of the best tips I received during my pregnancy (in no particular order):

1. Borrow maternity clothes if you can.  You can save so much money!  And really, you only wear them for about 5 months.  Any new things you buy won't be worn out, so return the favor and share with the next pregnant woman you know!

2. Drink a glass of orange juice before your ultrasounds.  The sugar is just enough to get baby moving around so you have a much better chance of getting him into a position where the sonographer can detect gender and can get a shot of that precious little face (especially awesome in 3D!).

3. Don't buy maternity underwear.  This stuff is overpriced and unnecessary.  Instead, buy a pack of bikini underwear a size larger than you normally wear and you'll be fine.  For bras, I bought a pack of bra extenders at Target for $6.99 which allowed me to wear my normal bras and sports bras.

4. Get your hands on a copy of "Baby Bargains."  I loved this book.  It details all of the items you might need to buy and compares brands and models.  It also gives a realistic view of what you actually need to have for baby to help you avoid overspending.  In addition, it provides lots of money-saving tips and safety tips.  I great resource.  I read it cover-to-cover before I went to register for items.  I felt armed and ready to make the best choices I could!

5. Lather up!  The best way I know to avoid stretch marks is to drink lots of water and to lather up with lotion in the morning and at night.  I'm sure this method isn't fool proof, but from what I've read, stretch marks occur because the skin gets dry and stretched out uncomfortably.  Keep it moist (inside and out) and you're a step ahead of the game!

6. Say "yes" to anyone who offers their help with the baby.  For some women, it's not easy to accept help, but don't play the martyr.  There are lots of people who can and will help you out with the baby--you don't have to do it all on your own!

7. Do your kegels!

8. Don't stress out about the labor and delivery.  It's nothing you can't handle.  With an epidural, I would even say that it's uncomfortable, but not painful.  You can do it. 

9. Enjoy it.  There were many moments, especially ones when I was hugging a toilet, when this one did not sound like a good tip at all!  But now that I'm at the end I will say that this is a unique--and relatively short--time in your life.  Everyday you're witnessing a miracle!  And when you aren't pregnant any more, people aren't so ready to allow you to cut in line, or give up the best seat, or fix your drink for you.  Even when you're at your most uncomfortable, you can enjoy the pregnancy perks! :)

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