Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been keenly aware of all of the chemicals, preservatives, additives, and other fake junk that enters our bodies. I tried very hard during my pregnancy to avoid those kinds of things and eat as naturally as I could. It wasn't easy. A lot of my go-to items were suddenly off limits. Yoplait Light Yogurt, granola bars, Diet Coke, Lean Cuisines, non-organic apples and peppers, salad dressings, Skinny Cow ice cream treats. Ugh. Not a pretty list.
When Will was born, I knew exactly what he was consuming, but I also became aware of all of the chemicals that touch his sensitive, innocent skin, like dyes in laundry detergent and fabric softener, and fragrances in baby body wash and lotions. The pediatric dermatologist warned me against using Johnson and Johnson baby products in favor of Cetaphil, CeraVe, and Eucerin. Johnson and Johnson has even been under fire for including known carcinogens in their baby products!
Now that he's eating, I want to make sure to avoid as man food chemicals in his food as I can. I'm making my own food with organic produce and nothing else. My friend's pediatrician warned her against Gerber baby food because it contains several fillers and is nutritionally depleted. I bought organic brown rice cereal for Will thinking that it would be the best source of nutrition and the organic nature would be beneficial...only to hear that researchers are now finding elevated levels of arsenic in brown rice and particularly brown rice syrup used in infant formula!
It's a little frustrating when I'm trying to do the best I can for Will and constantly finding out that something ELSE is toxic or harmful. It doesn't seem to stunning that diseases are still so prevalent in our country when you stop to examine all the junk we are putting in our bodies or rubbing on them. It's downright scary, really.
All I can do is the best I can...for him, and for me and Alex. Ultimately, our lives are in God's hands and there is no safer place to be.
I agree whole heartedly!! My kids actually have an allergy to all processed foods and items, which is kind of a blessing because it keeps us all in check and reinforces all the work and effort I put into feeding our family from scratch. A few goldfish turns them all red and off the wall! I applaud your effort!!